Saturday, September 6, 2008


We are truly blessed to have such wonderful grandparents!!!! Thank you!

Misc Stuff

Thank you Cameron & Stephanie for letting us visit and stay with yall!!!

So we still haven't moved yet and I am still extremely stressed for many different reasons! I absolutely HATE feeling like this! I am normally very happy and easy going but I need about a million of me right now! I told the Lord that if he is trying to remind me to be patient - I think I've got it - and if he is trying to teach me to "do everything without grumbling and arguing" - I'm trying real hard but I am on my last hair - speaking of hair I have found three gray ones lately - I really don't want to be gray when I'm 30!!! Okay - I'm smiling now - no grumbling or arguing - I'm trying to shine like a star. That verse by the way is Philippians 2:14-15.
So due to my anxiety - I made Bryan take me to Ft. Worth for the weekend on his birthday to visit his sister and her family. For those of you who don't know - Bryan turned the BIG 30 this year!!! Part of my anxiety is that I have been extremely sad and very much missing our family - his parents, grandparents and sister and family! So we went and had a wonderful time. It was so refreshing and not long enough. Steph says her home is small, but it feels like a home and it was very comfortable. The kids have been missing each other like crazy too. Cambry was crying every night for her best friend Gracie. So it was a huge blessing for all of us to be together again! I guess it being Bryan's 30th birthday - we wanted to be a little "rebellious" so Bryan & Cameron got a tattoo and I got my nose pierced!! That hurt "like something fierce" as Bryan would say - by the way!!!! On Sunday we were very blessed at a wonderful church! Then we had to come back to our crazy life again! We did leave Cambry in Ft. Worth for the week to spend time with her cousins and Steph and I met half way for lunch on Friday so Cambry could reluctantly come home! Cambry had the best time and it was a huge blessing to her that she had the opportunity to stay with them. I think she has been a little stressed too!!! Now here we are today - we had a bridal shower to go to and Cambry had auditions for the Nutcracker today. (We won't find out if she made it till Monday or Tuesday). Oh I have to share some of the little blessing that God gave me today! Cambry is going to be a flower girl in this wedding and I have known about it for awhile and I have needed to shop for her a dress. First of all- I haven't had time to shop and I hate shopping and the whole idea of trying to find this dress was one of the stresses. So my wonderful sister-in-law took her shopping for a dress - they found one that Steph wasn't to sure about, but they got it b/c there wasn't much of any other choice and it was on sale for way cheap - $18 - regular $70!!!!! So Cambry brought it home and I wasn't so sure either- so I went shopping late Friday night to try to find a second option to show the bride at the shower Saturday morning! Due to the great variety our stores in San Angelo have to offer - my efforts failed - but I did find a purse that I have been really wanting on sale for $25 - regular price was $80- it was the very last one and (this was the real blessing) I had just gotten paid for the cleaning job I've been doing! I wouldn't have been able to buy it if I hadn't of just gotten paid from that!!! Then we went to the shower today with the one dress that I wasn't so sure about and the bride loved it and she said it is almost just like hers!!!! God does love me even when I try to take things into my own hands and worry and stress!
So that's how life here has been going - if anyone cares!!! We would still appreciate your prayers that our house sales and Bryan's Water Valley house will sale! I would love to pray for something specific for you in exchange for your prayers !!!
Now- here are some more pictures of various things - mostly my precious, sweet, chunky little boy - and some videos of Zakry so his Papaw and Ma can see him doing some things. The short video is just of him being silly and the other is of him doing his favorite thing - eating!! He really loves his puff cereal snacks that he is eating and he thinks he is So big when he gets to eat something by his self!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pictures of our life

Since it's been forever since I've posted, I decided to just make a slide show of some pictures - I'll try to add more soon as these were actually taken about a month ago - but at least you will be able to see a little of what has been going on in our home lately!!! If you want - you can drag your mouse over the pictures and some will have a caption to tell you what they are!!!

Bryan The "Donkey"

Bryan has volunteered to be "Dan the Decoy Card Tossing Donkey" (or something like that) at Sports Mania! So here is a little video of his first try at it. I think he will be doing this once a month!!! The kids and I have had a million laughs about it!!! You may want to turn the volume down on my music so you can hear him when you push play on the video!! - for those that don't know!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

So Busy!!

I know I haven't been posting much! Life has been crazy busy! We have been diligently working very long and hard hours on our new home! Our sweet children have also been working very hard right beside us. We have been extremely exhausted by the time we get home, yet we still have to fix supper, try to keep up with some of the normal daily chores at home ( laundry,  dishes, other cleaning, etc..) and bath before we can fall into bed! Our new home is coming along beautifully and we should be able to move in soon yet there is still a LOT of hard work to do! We will be having an open house this weekend, so if any of you think about it, please pray that we sale our house. And while your at it, I would appreciate a prayer for some extra strength in the next few weeks! Most of you know, just being a mom can be exhausting in itself, but for this last week and the next few weeks, I get to do my regular everyday "jobs" (its funny that they don't just go away when you have something else to do!) and help my husband finish our home and try to get moved!  I love our sweet children being there with us and being able to help - but it has definitely required a little more patience and strength to get things done with the three of them underfoot! On the brighter side though, they are loving the responsibilities that have been given to them and they do their jobs proudly and I know that I can look for rewards and great things to come in the future for our perseverance!
So this is why my blogs may be few and short for awhile, but I will try to keep you updated as best as I can!
I will try to post some pictures later! For those of you wondering, our sweet Zakry is doing great. He is growing way too fast! He has been trying to stand up now. You can almost see the determination in his eyes and when he sees his big sister and brother doing things, especially when they are playing with their daddy - you can just see him thinking that he doesn't want to be left out or left behind - so he tries so hard to do things and be right in the middle of everything! We are truly blessed that God has lent us this little bundle of joy! Well, I better go get my house cleaned for the open house! More to come later!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Here is the new (I'm not sure about improved! LOL!) Bryan!!!

He has always wanted to shave his head!!!

Monday, June 30, 2008


Cambry has been in Colorado for 0ne week with her cousin Gracie, visiting with her Ma and Papaw and G-G and G-Dad. I miss her like crazy and she is not due back for two more weeks. I know she is having a wonderful time though and making some very special and unforgettable memories! Some people have commented that I'm getting a break having only two right now, but really my day is not any easier without my little helper!!!
Anyway, just to update everyone, life has been going on as usual around here! The house is coming along great! Here are some updated pictures, although, I went out there yesterday and it looks even better and different than these pictures, but I forgot to take my camera!

This is the chicken coop Bryan built!

Bryan was mowing the other day and Caden had to go out and help him! I thought it was very cute and sweet!

Our house has been showing well, no contracts yet though - so we would appreciate your prayers about that! Why is it that things start breaking when you put your house up for sale? Our air conditioner quit this weekend. We couldn't call anyone until Monday - so it was pretty hot in our house this weekend! God was smiling down on us though and He sent cooler weather and lots of much needed rain this weekend - so it was not nearly as bad as it could have been! The air conditioner people were also able to come first thing Monday morning and fix it and it was just a small and inexpensive part! Thank you Lord for your Grace! 
A good friend of ours watched the boys Saturday night and Bryan and I were able to go out on a date! Bryan was super excited about me going with him to this thing called Pack Wars. You get packs of sports trading cards and you get prizes for certain cards. Anyway, he was so excited - I just couldn't say I didn't want to go to him, so I went.  We ended up having a really good time together. We also went to see Get Smart with some other friends! It was a great movie - definitely would recommend seeing it!!!
So that is petty  much our weekend in review! Not anything super exciting!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

1/2 a year ALREADY!!!!

I can't believe my baby is 6 months old already! I am so very eternally thankful that God has blessed us with such a precious little man. He is so content and happy. He goes to sleep on his own, sleeps all night, takes 3 naps a day, and wakes up with a smile big enough to melt your heart and make all your worries disappear. And to top it all off - he is ADORABLE!  I wish time would go a little slower though. I don't want him to grow up. I sometimes loose track of time just watching him and I can almost see him growing right before my eyes!!!  He is such a "perfect" baby that Bryan even stated that Zakry almost makes him want to have another baby!!! (I'm sure he had just taken his happy pill or something!) Anyway, it makes me cringe to think how close we were to being "done" having children - to just closing the door on this blessing that God was waiting for us to accept from Him!! God is so good!!!

I am also so blessed and thankful that I have the opportunity to stay home with my babies! I would just not do very well if I had to work!! Time goes by so fast and there are so many moments I would miss - it would just break my heart!!! God is so good to loan me such precious children and a wonderful husband!  Is it just me or does your heart ever feel like it might explode from the blessings and love being poured in?  

Here are some pictures of our "Little Chunk"! By the way, he did only gain  1 lb. in two months  - he now weighs 20 lbs.!!! I thought we might have to change car seats already (the infant one is only for up to 22 lbs.) but we have 2 more lbs. to go!!! He is eating cereal and fruit now and I've started making the vegetable baby food and freezing it, so he will soon be introduced to veggies! I'll let you know how that goes!

Caden was eating an apple and I decided to let Zak  suck on a piece of it! He loved it! I was eating a peach a few days after that and he attacked the peach, claimed it as his own, and absolutely would not share with me anymore! Note to any GRANDMA'S reading this: this does not mean he can have table food (especially french fries) LOL!! - only fruits and veggies!

He also started sitting on his 6 month birthday!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

10 YEARS !!!!!

Bryan and I celebrated our 10th anniversary Friday!!! I can't believe its been 10 years! I remember thinking on the day of our wedding what it was going to be like after being married for 10 years!!! I won't comment on that today!!!  (JK) Really it hasn't been the easiest, but its been worth it. I love my husband very much!! I can't wait to see what God has planned for us for many many more years!
Bryan sent me flowers - they are so beautiful and I was so excited to get flowers! 10 yellow roses mixed with daisies!!!! So pretty!!! Cambry got to answer the door and take them and sign for them, because I was changing a very very poopy diaper - so she felt really important about getting to do that! 
Friday night Stephanie so generously offered to watch all of our kids (I've discovered it's a really big deal when you have more than two kids and someone wants to watch all of them for you!) so anyway, we went out by ourselves for the first time since Zakry. We didn't do anything grand - just dinner and walked around the mall - oh and we went to buy me a case for my camera - but it was so nice to just be with my husband and have dinner by ourselves!  I thought I might be worried about Zak being it was the first time he stayed with anyone and the first time he would need to have a bottle, but I don't think I really even thought about it while we were out  - probably b/c he was with his Aunt Sissy so I knew he was in the best of hands! He did fine - he wouldn't take a bottle, but they did great with him! 
Saturday, we had pizza and had an anniversary celebration with the kids and Cameron, Steph and the girls. It was very enjoyable! I tried to make a cake! I have never made a decorated cake before and I don't know that I want to ever again. I tried to do a marshmallow foundant icing (it was sooooo good on a cake I once had at a shower - that someone else made!) Anyway, I learned afterwards that I didn't add enough powdered sugar! So the cake did not turn out to be the prettiest cake ever - okay - it was just plain ugly, but it tasted okay! Here's pictures!!!
Bryan also had a little incident with Campy this weekend, he was taking the dogs to the ranch with him. They were in the back of the truck and he passed some horses that were tied to a fence and Campy jumped out of the truck. Bryan stopped, got out and picked her up. She was yelping and peeing and pooping all over Bryan and bleeding from her head, so he thought she was had broken her back. He was in tears and called the vet to take her in - he thought he would have to have her put down. He was about to get back in the truck with her when she suddenly jumped out of his arms to run after a cat!!! She is fine - she was moving a little slow the next day, but she is fine!!! I definitely said "Thank You" to God for that close call b/c we would have had a heart broken little boy if anything would have happened to his puppy!
Here are some pictures of Bryan swimming with the kids in our little pool!!!

Oh---- Cambry wanted me to post this --- these are her words-----

"What is different about me?"

answer: she got her hair cut

Monday, June 2, 2008

Lots of Pictures and Updates


Well, I know I haven't written in awhile! We've been SUPER busy finishing school, showing our house, working on our other house, and lots of other stuff!!! So I'll try to update as much as I can!
The first really really exciting thing is that Cambry has finished  2cnd grade!!!!!!!!!! She did a wonderful job this year and worked super hard! Bryan and I are so very proud of her!!! For those of you who don't know, I homeschool her, so I was extra excited that we were done with this school year too!!! I seriously felt like I just completed a JOB, which I guess in all reality I did. Anyway, we absolutely LOVE homeschooling and I couldn't imagine doing anything else! It is A LOT of hard work and dedication though and by the end of the school year, I am just tired and worn out! So now, I am excited that we have a break!!! And next year we will have a new school room to have school in - we are really excited about that too!!!
To finish off the school year, we went to a pool party! All the homeschoolers get together and have an end of the year pool party at Brown's Pool, so we went and it was lots of fun! We will definately be going back to Brown's this summer!!!!
The same day, my sisters and I also had a garage sale (we started at 6:00 am) so, the pool party was a great way to end the day! After the pool party, Bryan and I took the kids to Mr. Gatti's (we haven't been there in about 2 years) to reward Cambry for finishing school and doing so well!! It was GROSE - we will never eat there again!!!

We purchased a dozen baby chicks to take to our new farm house! We kept them in a box for a few days, then one day we all went to  our new home and we all worked together to make a chicken coop for the chicks! We put them in their coop (which has a secure door with a latch) and went home (to San Angelo). The next morning,  Bryan went to our farm house to work and all the chicks were gone. A racoon pulled all 12 of them through the small holes of the chicken wire on the coop. So here are some pictures of the very cute, but deceased baby chicks that we had for a total of 4 days. 
Since then, we have purchased some more chicks and a few live traps to catch the coons. Bryan also put the chicks higher up on some stilt things! Bryan has caught three coons since and today he killed a rattlesnake!!!! CAN'T YOU TELL  -  I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT LIVING ON THE FARM!!!!!!! 
Here are a few pictures of our new home on the farm! Bryan has really done a lot of work on it already, but we still have a long way to go! I'm so proud of him - he has done a great job with everything! I think it is really special when I take the kids out there and we all get to help! The finished product will be a great reward after all of our hard work. Plus we are making some great memories and learning very important life lessons!
Front of house
Front of house after front porch was added

This is view is from the front door looking into the
front room and the dinning room
Same view, but this is after Bryan changed the "walls" up
The entry for the dinning room is open now
Caden helping clean up the trash in his room
Fireplace that Bryan built

Turning the garage into a master bedroom

On a different note, the kids are all doing great  - not really enjoying the HOT weather, but we did have fun doing NOTHING today!!! Well, actually they had lots of fun playing with their sweet cousins - Gracie, Faith, and Ellie! I think they spent the whole day in the little kiddie pool we set up! Zakry is growing like crazy still! He is such a happy and content baby! He goes to sleep when he's tired without a fuss and is perfectly happy rolling around on the floor by himself! He can pretty much scoot or roll anywhere he wants and he is trying to sit up. It is kinda funny though! I didn't have one of those Bumbo chairs with my other two, so I was so excited to get to use one with this baby! They are supposed to help baby learn to sit and I borrowed the one my sister had, so I didn't have to buy one, but Zakry only fit in it for awhile! His little knees and thighs are way too big now and he gets stuck in it!!! Most babies fit in it for quiet awhile!
Here is a picture when Zakry fit into the Bumbo chair and now!!!
Zakry also  turned 5 months old this week and he has found his THUMB!!!! So I now have 2 thumb suckers! I blame my dear sister who sucked her thumb for years and she has now passed her habit to MY children (her children don't suck their thumbs though!!!) I decided long ago though not to worry with this habit - it is just a molehill that they will outgrow on their own one day! It's a lot easier if I only try to conquer the mountains with them!
Also, here are some pictures of us swimming! James and Janie Thomas were so kind to let us swim at their house! We had tons of FUN!


To be continued!!!