Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ornery and Silly, but Oh so Sweet

I know you probably think I have lots of pictures of Zak and not much of the other kids, but just so you know, it's not just me taking the pictures. Big sister and brother think their baby brother is so cute and adorable and everyday they have to take pictures of him too. He is pretty darn cute and adorable but he has also turned into a "terrible two" year old a little too early!! If he is left alone for a minute you can probably bet that he has done something ornery!
 Here are a few pictures of his orneriness.
The scenario usually plays out like this -
I hear a very loud "ZAKRY" from Big Sister or Brother, then I head to see what's going on (I've learned to grab the camera on the way) and when I arrive on scene, this sweet adorable little boy is the first to tell on himself. He is always so proud of what he has done that it makes it almost impossible to get onto him.

"I climbed on this desk all by myself, and took this color and drew a pretty picture on the window" Says the sweet little boy.  

And the adorable little boy says "See what I did! I put sister's clothes in the toilet!"

"and I'm so proud of myself and isn't is so FUNNY!!"

And every morning when Daddy leaves for work this is what that sweet little boy does. He wakes up with Daddy and doesn't leave his side. When Daddy has to walk out the door Zak screams and holds on with all his might to Daddy. We have to pry him off and he still holds on as tight as he can with his little legs.


Stephanie said...

these blogs make me tear up...I miss y'all!! I miss being close. I am missing it all!!

i will not cry...i will not cry...i will not cry...

Jennifer said...

Ummmm....we have some incidences around our house like that! But don't they make the best memories???