Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Thank you Lord - all my sweet children that you have graced me with are finally all in bed asleep!!!! I thought this day would never end! I think it probably had a lot to do with the fact that I had an allergy attack in the middle of the night last night and woke up with a Benadryl hang over this morning. Anyhow, I felt like screaming several times today and then I saw the trash man about lunch time and I seriously wanted to run out their with my children and send them with the trash truck! Cambry and Caden usually get a long really well, but for the last two days they have been arguing with each other like crazy. I know it probably has a lot to do with the stress of selling our house and having to keep it clean and Caden still doesn't understand why Ma and Papaw can't come over to "see his room" and why they are not coming home! Anyway, I told them that if they can't get along then we can't have people over to play because when they fight they are not "showing" Jesus, so their punishment is no friends can come over to play for the next two days. They are pretty upset about that! But now the day is over and we will start a BRAND NEW day tomorrow and I will pray really hard that tomorrow will be much better!! 
I have been craving a peach cobbler. I really like to cook, but I mostly enjoy cooking meals, not desserts and I can't say that I have ever made a peach cobbler or any kind of cobbler for that. So today I made a peach cobbler (maybe to reward myself for being so patient when I didn't feel like it with my children today!!! :) Anyway, it was really pretty easy and I got lots of extra kisses for that and it tasted really really good - definitely looking forward to having some more tomorrow!  


Zakry is growing so so fast!! Someone was holding him the other day and asked me if "he does anything yet" - (she doesn't have kids) Anyway, I said no he really hasn't started doing anything. Later that day, I went to run an errand and Bryan watched all the kids and Zakry rolled over from his back to his tummy! Of course I had to miss the first roll over!!! They told me and I thought maybe it had just been an accidental roll over or that they didn't know what they were talking about, but then he rolled over two more times that afternoon. He has also learned to get his fat little legs moving like he is crawling, but his upper body doesn't move with his legs yet, so he just scoots, but he scoots everywhere! At church on Sunday, a lady that said she is around children a lot asked if Zakry was "8 or 9 months old?" When I said four - she really didn't believe me. She said he was "way to big to be 4 months!" She asked me when his birthday was, I told her, then she had to count twice to make sure that it was really 4  months. (Like I, Mommy, wouldn't remember how old my baby was!!!)
Well, that's about all for today - I'm pretty tired, so I am going to bed now!!


Stephanie said...

You made peach cobbler and didn't tell me?!?!! That is my FAVORITE dessert!!!

And you tell Caden that Sissy wants to come see his room and wants to cuddle that precious plump boy and wants to play games with Cambry so I can beat her ;)

Jennifer said...

Yummm...I LOVE peach cobbler!

The Holik's said...

Thanks, we are extremely excited as well!! Zakry is so cute!!!

Amanda said...

Shanna you constantly amaze me. You and Stephanie both. You have 3 kids running around...well one thats about to be running around. You guys keep your houses beautiful...don't say you don't I know you do. You both always have delicious home cooked meals. You home school!! And you make desserts, just because. I just love watching you and your families. That husband better know how blessed he is to have you! I know he does.

Amanda Berrie